Saturday 8 December 2018

Aryans arrives in India

Aryans arrives in India

Aryan image

Event sequence

The era of 1500 B and 600 B C. was divided into earlier Vedic era (Rig Vedic period) and later Vedic era.

Former Vedic period: 1500 B - 1000 B. C; This was the era when Aryans could invade India. Later Vedic era: 1000 B. C-600B C

Initial home and identity

Aryans  was cowboy, that is, he did not cultivate farming. He had many animals, but the horses were the most important of them. The Aryans  started his journey from West Asia  towards India  200 B. The first stop of the Aryans  during India's visit  Was Iran.

Rig ved

This is the oldest book of Indo-European  language, it contains the essence of prayer - it is divided into ten books or circles. There is a compilation of prayers which dedicated to various gods like Agni , Varun , Indra , Mitra , etc. Rig Ved has given his episode Avesta, the oldest book of the Iranian, which is divided into various names of God and some social classes.

Rivers in the Vedic period

Earlier , Aryans  lived in eastern Afghanistan , Punjab  and parts of Uttar Pradesh , and some rivers such as Kumbh , Saraswati , Sindhu , and its Rig Vedas  have been mentioned in. The Seven Indus or the Seven Major Rivers is a part of India's  Rig Veda  The seven rivers were probably among them: in the east of Saraswati west , Sindhusatudru  (Sutlej) Vipasa  (Beas) Asikni (Chenab) Parushani (Ravi) and Pivetista  (Jhelam)

Tribal conflict

The first squad of Aryan  invaded India  in about 1500 B.C. They had to struggle with the native inhabitants of India  like Das and Bandis, although Das was never excited to attack from Aryan , but the bandit was killed Has been mentioned repeatedly in the Rig Veda , Indra  is also mentioned in the name of Purandar in the Rig Veda , which is also known as Bhangkak of the fort. Culture has also been done because Aryans  were able to conquer the Nativeans also because they had better weapons, rituals and horse chariots. Aryans  engaged in two types of struggles, indigenous people and themselves. Aryan was divided into five tribal castes called Panchangas and got help of Non-Aryans  as well. Bharat  and Triitsu were the rulers of the Aryan  Gotra , The name of the country was kept above the name of Raja Bharat  .

dasharajan War 

The king of Bharata Gotra  ruled over India, and he also faced the opposition of ten kings; Five Aryans  and five non-Aryans . The war between them was known as the war of ten kings or the Dasarjan war , the war done on the Parushani or Ravi river was won by Sud. Later, Bharata  got involved with Purusa By which the new tribe of Kuru was made.

In the later Vedic era, Kuru and Panchalas played an important role in the politics  of the upper plateau of Ganges, where they ruled together.

Amir Khusro compositions - Amir Khusro

Amir Khusro compositions - Amir Khusro Books in English 
Amir Khusro image

Among the other writers of Delhi Sultanate, Amir Khusro's name is most notable. While in the right sense he was not a historian. He was born in 1253 AD.

 He was born in a family with a close relationship with the ruler of many generations. 

He stayed in the royal service under Kakubabad , Jalaluddin Khilji , Alauddin Khilji , Mubarakshah  and Gusuddin   Tughluq . Amir Khusro  Sufis - especially close to Nizamuddin Auliya , and through his poetry and music he made great contribution in the creation of India's Sufi culture . Let's discuss about the books, books written by Amir Khusro .

Amir Khusro's inclination

Writing History  was not the basic concern of Amir Khusro . Therefore, if asked truth, they can not be evaluated as a historian. But in his poems, he has often taken historical topics  . All such works, compositions were composed between 1289-1325. Some of them were specifically told to compose some of them, while some others had written to please their royal guards. He was not a fair historian.

Amir Khusro books


His first creation on historical topics - "Kiran-i-Saaden " which he wrote in 1289 AD It describes the meeting of Bugra Khan  and his son Kaikubad . In this interesting explanation has been given about the social life of Delhi , its buildings, the royal court, the rich and the officers. Through this composition, he has also expressed his hatred towards the Mongols .


He composed Mifata-ul-Futto  in 1291 A. In this composition, they have considered the military campaigns of Jalaluddin Khilji , the rebellion of the owner and his repression, the climb of Sultan at Ranthambore  and the victory of other places.


In Khajeen-ul-Futuh , also known as date-A-Alai, is a tactical description of the first 15 years of Alauddin Khilji's  reign. Although this composition is essentially literary, it still has its own importance because the present-day description of Alauddin Khilji  is found only in this book. In it, he wrote about Alauddin Khilji's  conquest of Gujarat , Chittor ,Malwa  and Warangal . In it we find the details of the owner of Kafoor's  Deccan expansions, and it is quite famous in terms of geographical and military details. There is a great illustration of India , as well as the buildings and administrative reforms of Alauddin  have been described. But considering the reign of Allauddin Khilji , his views have not been critical.


Another composition of Amir Khusro  is "Ashika " with the love story of Devilalani , the daughter of Rajkaran of Gujarat  and Khokkirakh , son of Alauddin . It has been discussed about Alauddin's Gujarat  and Alva Vijay . In addition, he has also described the location of different areas. In it they also discuss their own captivity by the Mongols .

Noah Schipher

Another book, which has a good depiction of India  and its people, is Noah Sipihr . There is a very interesting account of Happy Khilji . He has considered the victories of Mubarakshah's  buildings as well as topics such as climate, vegetables, fruits, languages, darshanam life. It has a very lively depiction of the then social situation.


Khusro's  last historical masnavi is Tuglaknama . It depicts the conquest of Ghiasuddin Tughluq  against Khusrshah .

The whole story has been presented in religious colors. In it, Gatsudin  is a symbol of all elements and it has been shown to fight with the rich Khusrushah of untrue elements .

A strong aspect of Amir Khusro  is that they have given many dates and the chronology given by them is far more reliable than Barney. His compositions put a lot of light on the contemporary social conditions, and it is an area on which the other historians of that time did not take special care.

Friday 7 December 2018

Battle of Chausa - Humayun Vs. Sher Shah चौसा का युद्ध – हुमायूँ Vs. शेरशाह 25 जून, 1539 in English

Battle of Chausa - Humayun Vs. Sher Shah 25 June, 1539

Battle of Chausa War  image

Today we will talk to you about the Chausa war in English 

 This war happened between Humayun and Sher Shah. Let's see who won in this war, who was defeated, when this war happened, what causes were the causes and the outcome of this war came out.

Chausa War.

Hamayun's strongest enemy was Lion Khan. After the victory in Bengal, Humayun was restless and rested.

 Seeing the rest of Humayun in Bengal, Sher Khan took control over Chunar, Banaras, Jaunpur, Kannauj, Patna, etc. respectively. These incidents have disturbed Humayun. Humayun's army was weak from the outbreak of malaria, so Humayun left a small troop of the army and traveled to Agra.

Seeing the return of Hamayun , Sher Khaan , aka Sher Shah , decided to encompass Humayun  on the way. humayun  made many mistakes in the return. 

At first he divided his army into two parts. A section of the army was sent to attack Munger  (Bihar ) under Dilawar Khan 

Humayun  himself proceeded with the second army of the army.Humayun's  military advisers had advised that he reached Jaunpur , running from the northern edge of the Ganges and crossing the Ganges and attacking Sher Shah /sher khan, but he did not listen to those people. He crossed the Gangetic and walked from the South route to the Grand Trunk Road. This route was under the control of the Lion Khan. On the banks of the Karmanasa River , Uttar Pradesh , a place called Chausa  was found to be of Sher Shah .

 So he did not cross the Sher Shah  to attack, but he was also negligent here. He immediately started to attack Lion Khan , but here too he was careless. He did not immediately attack Sher Shah . He was wasting time on the banks of River Ganga  for three months. lion Khan , in the meanwhile, kept her engaged in peace and kept her in peace and kept preparing herself. Actually he was waiting for rain.

Sher Shah's diplomacy

As the rain started, Sher Khan  planned to invade. Humayun's  camp was in a low place between the Ganges and the river Karmanasa .

 So rain water was filled with it The artillery of the Mughals  had failed and the disorder was in the army. Taking advantage of this, on the night of 25 June, 1539, Sher Shah  invaded the Mughal  camp suddenly with deception. There was a stir in the Mughal Camp The soldiers jumped into the Ganges River to save their lives. Some of them were submerged and killed by some Afghan forces. Humayun  himself also escaped the Ganges and escaped his life. His family remained in the camp Humayun  could reach Agra  with the help of some believers Mughals .

 The whole army of Humayun was destroyed.

War outcome

After the Chausa  War, Humayun's  fall was fixed. Her army had been destroyed. Some members of his family were also killed in this war. The power and ambitions of the Afghans revived. Now they started planning plans to take over the Mughals  and control Agra . sheer Khan  now holds the title of Sher Shah . sher Shah  taught his name 'Khutba '. He issued coins and issuled orders. He took control over Bengal by sending Jalal Khan  and himself reached Banas , Jaunpur  and ,Lucknow , Kannauj .

Thursday 6 December 2018

Jallianwala Bagh December 1919Jallianwala_Bagh_massacre

Jallianwala Bagh December 1919

Jallianwala Bagh massacre

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre brought the inhuman faces of the British to the fore. British soldiers were shot on the unarmed crowd gathered in a public meeting in an almost closed field, without any warning, on the order of General Dyer, despite the restrictions, Were doing

The crowd gathered here on 13th April was opposed to the arrest of two national leaders -Syampal and Dr. Saifuddin Kichloo. 

Suddenly, British army officer General Dyer ordered his army to run on the unarmed crowd without giving an opportunity to disperse, and shot and continued for 10 minutes until they were finished. In these 10 minutes, (according to the Congress calculation) one thousand people were killed and about two thousand people were injured. The marks of bullets can still be seen in the Jallianwala garden, which has now been declared a national monument. This massacre was pre-planned and General Dyer declared with pride that he did this to teach such a lesson and if he continued the gathering then he would kill them all. There was no embarrassment on her own.

When he went to England , some British gathered donations to welcome him. While some others were surprised by this heinous  act of Dyer  and they demanded the investigation. A Britist newspaper called it the most bloody genocide of modern history .

21 years later, on March 13, 1940, a Revolutionary Indian Udham Singh   shot Michael O Dyer  dead as he was the Lieutenant Governor of Punjab at the time of the incident of Jallianwala massacre  . The massacre  filled the anger in the Indian people  , which the government had to resort to vandalism again to suppress. The people of Punjab were tortured, they were kept in open cages and whipped on them. Newspapers were banned and their editors were either put in jail or were banished. The empire of a terror, as it was born during the suppression of the rebellion of 1857, was spread all around. Ravindranath Tagore  returned the title of knighthood granted to him by the British . This genocide proved to be a turning point in the history of india  freedom struggle.

The congressional session was held in Amritsar in December  1919. A large number of people including the farmers took part in it. It is clear that this massacre  worked as a ghee in the fire and strengthened the urge to oppose repression and freedom in the people.

Kabir गुरु दास कबीर... |


The 15th century saw Kabir as a mystic Sufi poet and saint who influenced religion, society and political philosophy, which is still visible to this day.

It is believed that he was born in the weavers family, due to different information about his birth, various thoughts have been kept between the Hindus and Muslims often for their identity. Kabir, the most famous poet and most famous writer in India, made influential poems during his lifetime during 1498-1518 AD, whose influence lay on the Bhakti movement and the mention of his verses is also stored in the Adi texts of Sikhism.

Kabir, the poet and godess of devotion, became a disciple of Ramapan (a person whose goal was to assemble the principles of Islam, Christianity and Brahmin), so Kabir's poems are a reflection of the merger of his Guru's thoughts and in style Shows the recognition of fictional local language. Local language is used in style,Hindi, duration , Braj, and Bhojpuri dialects have been used in the poems centered on the characteristics of life and devotion to God.

In Kabir's poems , community mobility and rational thinking of that time have been expressed. His philosophical assessment of life has given access to liberal ideas to today's generation. Their synthesis is the main source of both cultures, including Hindu religion and Islam and Sikhism .

They are known for criticizing Hindu  and Islamic religion and their meaningless traditions, they claim that both religions have misinterpreted the Vedas and the Qur'an respectively, and have ignored the essence of life. He has suggested that the right way to live is through the path of Dharma, all are the reflections of God and therefore all are equal, they have propagated Ram Mantra  to understand and contemplate God. While seriously asserting both the religions (Hindu and Islam ),kabir  fought for his ideas, although he was threatened by both sects, he welcomed it and expressed gratitude for taking them closer to God.

kabir united the divine and divine in the basic religious principles and according to his opinion, salvation can be achieved only with the unity of these two. Poetry written by Kabir, the oral poems of knowledge were called "vani" by his followers, which contained two, shlokas and were considered proof of reality. Kabir legacy was kept alive through the name of Kabirpanth  which was recognized by religious sects and by its members, which is called Kabiranthi .

His literary works are as follows: Kabir Bijak, Kabir Shastai,Adi granth, etc., and Kabir Grantavali.

In his work of eternal expression and expression of the mysterious spirit and with the metaphors of broad beliefs, it is the easiest to symbolize the religions. However, Kabir was criticized for his statement in women. It has been argued that there are dual explanations in Kabir's poems and therefore there can be a difference.

kabir  spent most of his life time in Varanasi  and it is said that Varanasi  was the center of the influence of the vast Hindu  priests, and he was criticized for his poorly observing traditional practices. He was expelled from Varanasi  at the age of 60 in AD 1495, after which he along with his followers went to northern India and spent the life of exile. According to the information received, they took the last breath in 1518 AD in Magahar , near Gorakhpur .

Like his birth, his death was also surrounded by many controversies, while some believed that Kabir  was the son of a Brahmin who was adopted by a non-Muslim  Muslim couple , the general opinion is that he was born in a muslim family. Due to the publicity of the best ideas of both religions, his followers were debated about their funeral. According to mythology, flowers were found on their dead bodies and Muslims buried  the same flowers, whereas Hindus  performed the last rites of those flowers.

interim government अंतरिम सरकार in English

interim government On 2 September 1946, the newly elected Constituent Assembly constituted the Interim Government of I...