Saturday 8 December 2018

Amir Khusro compositions - Amir Khusro

Amir Khusro compositions - Amir Khusro Books in English 
Amir Khusro image

Among the other writers of Delhi Sultanate, Amir Khusro's name is most notable. While in the right sense he was not a historian. He was born in 1253 AD.

 He was born in a family with a close relationship with the ruler of many generations. 

He stayed in the royal service under Kakubabad , Jalaluddin Khilji , Alauddin Khilji , Mubarakshah  and Gusuddin   Tughluq . Amir Khusro  Sufis - especially close to Nizamuddin Auliya , and through his poetry and music he made great contribution in the creation of India's Sufi culture . Let's discuss about the books, books written by Amir Khusro .

Amir Khusro's inclination

Writing History  was not the basic concern of Amir Khusro . Therefore, if asked truth, they can not be evaluated as a historian. But in his poems, he has often taken historical topics  . All such works, compositions were composed between 1289-1325. Some of them were specifically told to compose some of them, while some others had written to please their royal guards. He was not a fair historian.

Amir Khusro books


His first creation on historical topics - "Kiran-i-Saaden " which he wrote in 1289 AD It describes the meeting of Bugra Khan  and his son Kaikubad . In this interesting explanation has been given about the social life of Delhi , its buildings, the royal court, the rich and the officers. Through this composition, he has also expressed his hatred towards the Mongols .


He composed Mifata-ul-Futto  in 1291 A. In this composition, they have considered the military campaigns of Jalaluddin Khilji , the rebellion of the owner and his repression, the climb of Sultan at Ranthambore  and the victory of other places.


In Khajeen-ul-Futuh , also known as date-A-Alai, is a tactical description of the first 15 years of Alauddin Khilji's  reign. Although this composition is essentially literary, it still has its own importance because the present-day description of Alauddin Khilji  is found only in this book. In it, he wrote about Alauddin Khilji's  conquest of Gujarat , Chittor ,Malwa  and Warangal . In it we find the details of the owner of Kafoor's  Deccan expansions, and it is quite famous in terms of geographical and military details. There is a great illustration of India , as well as the buildings and administrative reforms of Alauddin  have been described. But considering the reign of Allauddin Khilji , his views have not been critical.


Another composition of Amir Khusro  is "Ashika " with the love story of Devilalani , the daughter of Rajkaran of Gujarat  and Khokkirakh , son of Alauddin . It has been discussed about Alauddin's Gujarat  and Alva Vijay . In addition, he has also described the location of different areas. In it they also discuss their own captivity by the Mongols .

Noah Schipher

Another book, which has a good depiction of India  and its people, is Noah Sipihr . There is a very interesting account of Happy Khilji . He has considered the victories of Mubarakshah's  buildings as well as topics such as climate, vegetables, fruits, languages, darshanam life. It has a very lively depiction of the then social situation.


Khusro's  last historical masnavi is Tuglaknama . It depicts the conquest of Ghiasuddin Tughluq  against Khusrshah .

The whole story has been presented in religious colors. In it, Gatsudin  is a symbol of all elements and it has been shown to fight with the rich Khusrushah of untrue elements .

A strong aspect of Amir Khusro  is that they have given many dates and the chronology given by them is far more reliable than Barney. His compositions put a lot of light on the contemporary social conditions, and it is an area on which the other historians of that time did not take special care.

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